WHAT AM I DOING!!! I'm anti-blog... and here's why:
I don't want to assume that anyone cares what I have to say. Blogs are sort of a way for nobodies to pretend that they're somebodies. As if the fact that they published themselves means that they are published... in that fancy, "Oohh, I'm a published author" sense. Of course, let's not forget that even I am operating under this ridiculous assumption even as I write. This is my virginal blog post; and even now, I can feel my tone changing to that gross blogger tone.
Well, considering the fact that I'm a jerk who is constantly being shown my own jerkiness by the humility, loveliness, and loving charisma of so many of my friends, I need to rethink my blog-related judgmentalism. Maybe I've been anti-blog because I'M the one who's arrogant. "How come everyone cares what so-and-so has to say? [IN MY HEAD: I'm way more interesting than that sack of hot air]" So...
I'm giving in. I'm a journal-keeper. This is the journal of the current age, so I guess I need to get with it. Maybe someone (Mom? are you there?) cares what I have to say just like I care what my husband, and Sarah P, and the African adventure twins (ha, ha... Yes, that's what I'm calling you) might have to share. But, even if no one else is interested, it will be good for me to get it all out now and again.