Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Latest on Spud

We had a nice visit with our wonderful midwife this morning. She allayed all my fears, as I knew she would, about my lack of significant weight gain and Spud's slowness to quicken. She said it could be up to another month before I really feel Spud move a lot; that sucks, but I guess it makes me feel better. She told me to drink raspberry leaf tea for my annoying, consistently crampy uterus and make sure I keep up on my calcium. Spud had a great, strong heartbeat (as usual; GO SPUD!). We talked about my mood issues and decided that they are more likely related to the weather and the recent emotions about being jobless than my thyroid, so that's good. We will be getting the ultrasound, hopefully, next week. I'll be sure to pass along all the info gleaned from that fun day :)

The other good thing that happened was my lovely visit with my former physical therapist that I totally love. She said all sorts of nice things about how much more humanly my body is behaving as opposed to screwed up ballerina like it did 3 years ago when we last saw each other. I suspected that that meant I look heavier... but we'll just assume that she was referring to posture only! She said that the back pain I'm having sounds like an exacerbation of my injury, but doesn't sound like it is any indication of the worsening of my disc protrusion. That is awesome. That was my #1 fear... my disc is going to burst or totally prolapse while I'm mid-labor. As of now, she said not to worry about that. She also advocated for me having an active labor in order to be able to monitor and protect my back as much as possible. So, that was extremely encouraging since that's what I want to do anyway... I was just worried that my disc was going to explode. Still might, I guess. But, there's no use to worrying about it.

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